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台南兩天高爾夫之旅 Tainan Two-Day Golf Tour

Mon, 28 Oct



享受兩天世界級的高爾夫體驗 Embark on a premium golfing experience with our specially curated two-day golf tour in Tainan.

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台南兩天高爾夫之旅  Tainan Two-Day Golf Tour
台南兩天高爾夫之旅  Tainan Two-Day Golf Tour

Time & Location

28 Oct 2024, 07:00 – 29 Oct 2024, 18:00

Tainan, Tainan, East District, Tainan City, Taiwan




台北火車站-東三門出發-台南-18洞球敘 (含球車、桿弟)

住宿: 斑芝花高爾夫鄉村渡假或同級


  • 早餐 自理
  • 午餐 球場自理
  • 晚餐 風味美食 代金NTD500/人

🚩【斑芝花高爾夫鄉村渡假俱樂部 Bombax Golf country club】球場佔地108公頃,重金禮聘國際球場設計大師Pete Dye(佩特‧戴伊)精心設計高挑戰性並融合人性的二十七洞完美球場,也是戴伊大師在台灣的唯一作品。球道規劃設計二十七洞共分青山、綠水與黃金三區各九洞,其中青山與綠水區為標準的國際錦標賽球場,黃金區則較短,適合一般業餘 球友球敘之用。球道蜿蜒在山谷林地之間,地形起伏饒富變化,每一洞都根據原始的地勢設計,結合原始林相與湖泊,提供球友十分多變且頗具難度的挑戰。以打造出一個舒適、高品質、同時具國際水準的的高爾夫渡假村為目標。設施:會員休息室、中餐廳、會議室、卡拉OK(歡唱中心)、麻將室、撞球檯、桌球室、室內高爾夫練習場。


台南-18洞球敘 (含球車、桿弟)-深緣及水善糖文化園區 - 台北


  • 早餐 酒店內用
  • 午餐 球場自理
  • 晚餐 溫暖的家

🚩【斑芝花高爾夫鄉村渡假俱樂部 Bombax Golf country club】

【深緣及水善糖文化園區】 建於1904年的百年善化糖廠,因糖廠宿舍群閒置已久,將紅磚建造的糖廠宿舍翻修打造「善糖文化園區」,日式建築相當具有美感。廠區內有善糖文物館、親水公園、百年大樟樹、冰品部、深緣及水善糖文化園區等可供參觀,,並展示1948年出廠的台糖蒸汽火車,園區後方還可看到台糖煙囪,飄散著壓榨甘蔗製糖的濃厚香氣。



1. 全程住宿一晚兩人一室,含飯店早餐及第一天晚餐費用(餐標代金NTD500)。 2. 兩場果嶺費,含球車,含桿弟。 3. 全程兩日行程專車接送。 4. 500萬履約責任險+20萬醫療險。 5. 每天每人2瓶礦泉水(多數球場禁帶非球場販售之礦泉水)。 6. 前50名訂購者贈送虎頭埤門票一組。價值200元(贈完為止,不另行通知)。


1. 全程午餐(球場自理)。 2. 若需求單人入住須補房價差。若需求升等房型須補升等房價差。 3. 如遇例假日國定假日果嶺價差另外加價請洽業務確認。 4. 不含行李小費、床頭小費、桿弟小費及所有私人開銷。


1.報名本行程需先繳交預約作業金或訂金及提供正確旅客名單,方可受理進行飯店及高爾夫球場之預訂。 2.預約作業金繳交期限:線上預約後24小時內繳交,尾款繳交後以業務人員回覆訂位成功確認為準。 3.本預約作業金非訂金性質,非擔保契約履行,僅為旅遊元件預約調度及費用,不負擔保確定成行之責,如本商品已額滿或訂位未成功,則旅客所繳付之預約作業金將全額無息退費。 《線上預約並非保證訂位成功,仍需以客服人員回覆確認為準》


★ 球場依實際訂出回覆回主,順序會因球場比賽等因素前後調整。若表定球場滿時將安排同級球場替代之。 ★ 一般高爾夫球場禁忌服裝:牛仔系列衣褲、圓領T、吊帶背心、超短裙、超短褲、鬆緊帶褲頭褲、皮鞋。 ★ 球友自備防曬護膚用品、雨傘或陽傘、遮陽帽、防潑雨風衣外套、太陽眼鏡等。

Itinerary DAY 1

Departure: Taipei Train Station, East Gate 3

Destination: Tainan

Activity: 18-hole round of golf (including golf cart and caddy)

Accommodation: Bombax Golf Country Club or equivalent


  • Breakfast: Self-catered
  • Lunch: On your own at the golf course
  • Dinner: NT$500 dining voucher for local cuisine


🚩 Bombax Golf Country Club: Covering 108 hectares, this exclusive course is the only Pete Dye-designed golf course in Taiwan. Featuring 27 holes across three zones—Qing Shan, Green Water, and Golden—this course offers a challenging yet enjoyable experience. Facilities include a members' lounge, Chinese restaurant, conference room, karaoke center, mahjong room, billiards, table tennis, and an indoor golf practice area.DAY 2Activity: 18-hole round of golf (including golf cart and caddy) - Shen Yuan and Shui Shan Sugar Culture Park - Return to Taipei


  • Breakfast: At the hotel
  • Lunch: On your own at the golf course
  • Dinner: Self-catered


🚩 Bombax Golf Country Club

 Shen Yuan and Shui Shan Sugar Culture Park: Established in 1904, this century-old sugar factory has been transformed into a cultural park. Explore its beautiful Japanese-style architecture, the Sugar Museum, riverside park, century-old camphor tree, ice cream stand, and the historical Taisugar steam train. The park also features the iconic Taisugar smokestack, emitting the rich aroma of sugarcane processing.

Tour Details


  1. One night’s accommodation in a double room, including hotel breakfast and NT$500 voucher for dinner on the first day.
  2. Green fees for two rounds of golf, including golf cart and caddy.
  3. Two-day transportation by dedicated vehicle.
  4. NT$5 million liability insurance + NT$200,000 medical insurance.
  5. Two bottles of mineral water per person per day (most courses prohibit outside mineral water).
  6. Complimentary Tiger Head Pond ticket for the first 50 bookings. Value NT$200 (while supplies last, no further notice).

Not Included: 

  1. Lunch (self-catered at the golf course).
  2. Additional charges for single occupancy or room upgrades.
  3. Green fee surcharges on holidays and national holidays (please confirm with the sales representative).
  4. Tips for luggage handling, bed-making, caddies, and other personal expenses.

Booking and Payment: 

  1. To book, please pay the reservation fee or deposit and provide accurate traveler information to proceed with hotel and golf course bookings.
  2. Reservation fee payment deadline: Within 24 hours of online reservation. Final payment confirmation will be provided by the sales representative.
  3. The reservation fee is not a deposit and does not guarantee trip completion; it is used for booking arrangements and expenses. If the product is fully booked or the reservation fails, the reservation fee will be refunded in full without interest. Online reservation does not guarantee booking; confirmation from customer service is required.

Special Notes:

  1. The order of golf courses may vary depending on availability and competition schedules. Alternative courses of similar quality will be arranged if necessary.
  2. General golf course dress code: No jeans, crew-neck T-shirts, tank tops, short skirts, shorts, elastic waistband pants, or dress shoes.
  3. Golfers should bring sunblock, an umbrella or sunhat, rain jacket, and sunglasses.

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