體驗澳門 Experience Macau
感受澳門中葡文化的獨特風采 Discover the charm of Macau with our professional tour guide
澳門是個獨一無二的城市,擁有豐富的文化遺產和先進的旅遊設施。這裡的國際演唱會和本地節日盛事貫穿整個年度,令城市充滿活力。作為全球擁有最多福布斯五星酒店的地標,澳門不僅提供世界級的豪華娛樂和度假體驗,還擁有被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產的澳門半島舊城區。 在這裡,您可以感受到自16世紀以來的中國和葡萄牙文化的完美融合,從美食到歷史遺跡,無不展示兩者的交融。漫遊於內港周圍的歷史社區,深入了解葡萄牙人定居澳門的歷史和文化,並探索當地的餐廳和特色商店,享受一次奢華而獨特的旅程。 環球旅遊提供量身定制的本地包團行程、旅遊巴士、私人導遊及旅遊套票,滿足您的獨特需求。如需更多資訊,請隨時聯絡我們。 Discover the unique charm of Macau, a city renowned for its rich cultural heritage and exceptional tourism amenities. As home to the highest number of Forbes Five-Star properties globally, Macau features world-class luxury entertainment and resorts. Its Peninsula, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site, boasts an old town center where Chinese and Portuguese cultures blend seamlessly. Immerse yourself in the vibrant culinary scene and historical treasures, exploring the Portuguese heritage and traditional neighborhoods around the Inner Harbour. Enjoy a journey through local restaurants and specialty shops that reflect Macau's character. Mundial Travel offers customized local tours, including coaches, licensed tour guides, and various admission tickets to cater your special needs. For more information, please feel free to contact us.
