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樂園內設有宇宙世界、峽谷星球、星 際月臺、珊瑚秘境、酷比之旅及探索大學堂等在內的15大主題區域,推出了首個國內真實水下潛水騎乘遊樂設施"深海潛艇"和運用最新視聽技術的"百慕大歷險"動感5D平臺影院等在內的17項海洋和宇宙主題特色遊樂設施,為來訪者帶來宇宙之旅的沉浸式體驗。

宇宙世界 Cosmic World
太空船引擎旋轉降落,外星人出艙,將帶領大家穿越危險的隕石帶、神秘的黑洞、夢幻的星雲等壯麗奇觀。The Spacecraft Engine spins down and lands as extraterrestrials emerge, guiding visitors through perilous asteroid fields, mysterious black holes, and enchanting nebulae, showcasing magnificent cosmic wonders.

驚鯊黑洞 Shark Hole
親眼見識鯊魚寶寶們是怎麼繁殖成長的。領略不同鯊魚的捕食風采。 Witness firsthand how baby sharks grow and develop. Experience the predatory behavior of different shark species and gain insight into their feeding habits.

鯨奇宇宙 Whale Universe
「鯨豚宇宙」區域主要展示的是現代的鯨豚,講述了鯨豚由陸地重返海洋的獨特演化故事,以及海中哺乳類延伸出廣大的鯨豚家族。The "Whale and Dolphin Universe" area primarily showcases modern whales and dolphins, telling the unique evolutionary story of their return from land to the ocean. It explores how marine mammals evolved into the vast and diverse family of whales and dolphins we see today.

雨林星球 Rainforest Planet
踏入熱帶雨林的懷抱,我們開始一場奇幻之旅,經歷雨季的洪氾森林,身臨其境體驗風雨雷電的暴風雨場景,一步一步地向上探索。Step into the embrace of the tropical rainforest and embark on a fantastical journey. Experience the flood-prone forests of the rainy season, immersing yourself in the dramatic storm scenes complete with wind, rain, and lightning, as you explore the rainforest step by step.

峽谷星球 Canyon Planet
此區域透過非洲的水生環境、非洲特色生物來展示生物、自然與人類的關係與生物的演化歷程。在峽谷星球裡,以岩壁上的互動投影動畫結合訪客的身影,呈現動物及部落逐水遷徙的過程。Canyon Planet showcases the relationship between biology, nature, and humans through Africa’s aquatic environments and distinctive wildlife. In this area, interactive projection animations on rock walls combine with visitors' silhouettes to depict the migratory journeys of animals and tribes across the waters.

亞細亞星球 Asia Planet
包含濕地生態及其特色生物如紅樹林、橫琴蠔和一級保護珍稀魚類-黃唇魚,世界唯一在淡水棲息的貝加爾海豹,優雅活潑的太平洋斑紋海豚,中國的四大家魚,都在這裡等你。Asia Planet features wetland ecosystems and their unique inhabitants, including mangroves, Hengqin oysters, and the critically endangered Huang’s lip fish. Visitors can also see the world’s only freshwater Baikal seal, the graceful and lively Pacific bottlenose dolphin, and China’s four major freshwater fish species—all awaiting your discovery here.

珊瑚秘境 Coral Realm
踏著浪從潮間帶進入淺海珊瑚礁,展開雙手讓潮間帶生物在你的手上游走,在珊瑚科普島用龍蝦的眼來看世界,世界至大的活體珊瑚缸展現千姿百態的珊瑚。Step through the waves from the intertidal zone into the shallow coral reefs. Open your hands and let the intertidal creatures swim across them. On Coral Science Island, see the world through the eyes of a lobster, and marvel at the world’s largest living coral tank, showcasing a dazzling array of coral forms.

酷比之旅 Cubee's Journey
這裡有各種特色的遊樂設施,包括以乘船出海探險為故事線的大型虛擬現實體感遊樂設備-百慕達歷險、中國首個真實水下潛水艇遊樂設施-深海潛水艇,還有歡樂的宇宙家族在這裡載歌載舞舉辦海底嘉年華。Cubee's Journey features a variety of distinctive attractions, including the large-scale virtual reality experience "Bermuda Adventure," which follows a sea expedition narrative, and China's first real underwater diving ride, the "Deep Sea Submarine." Additionally, visitors can enjoy the joyful underwater carnival hosted by the cheerful Cosmic Family, complete with singing and dancing.

虎鯨大講堂 Orca Lecture Hall
這裡可以看到動物在野外的自然行為,是進行生態教育,探索鯨豚奧秘的大教室。隨著全球氣溫變暖,海洋食物鏈也遭遇破壞,海洋動物的生存環境不容樂觀,保護海洋環境迫在眉睫,這更需要我們探索人與自然相處之道。In the Orca Lecture Hall, observe animals exhibiting their natural behaviors in the wild. This educational space serves as a classroom for exploring the mysteries of whales and dolphins. As global temperatures rise and the oceanic food chain faces disruption, the survival environment for marine animals becomes increasingly precarious. It is urgent to protect marine environments and explore ways for humans to coexist harmoniously with nature.
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